An introduction to the ridiculous shit that happens in the hospitality industry

Middle Finger

Hello! And welcome to my new blog.  Centred around working in the hospitality industry, after many years of working in the kitchens of various cafes, restaurants, and mobile kitchen rigs to name a few.

I have to say, over my 26 year career I have seen and heard some really ridiculous  shit.  Not just from customers (who no, are NOT always right), but from staff,  managers, general passers by.  Often, I have been part of the ridiculous shit, this I admit.  But boy have I had some laughs!

Over the years I have rolled my eyes so many times I wonder how I didn’t roll myself into another dimension.  I have lifted my middle finger in the most spectacular fashion to a number of particularly special assholes, and felt all the better for it. (Thus the middle finger has become my well-known trait).

Just as I think I must have seen it all, another moment arises when I think “the world just keeps giving me shit to laugh about.”

So yes, I AM a sweary Mum/chef/business owner/blogger/wife to be with foul language and a relatively good sense of humour with an open mind.  It takes a lot to shock me, and I often speak before my brain has time to catch up.  But rest assured, this is a place you can come to read, laugh and share stories.

All hail to the middle finger.